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Tutor Agreement

Last Updated: November, 2020



By volunteering as a tutor at a help sessions hosted by, you agree to the following:


1. I represent that I have obtained consent from my parents or guardian to be a volunteer tutor at on-line help sessions hosted by

2. I will be present at all the sessions I have signed up to tutor. If an emergency arises that makes me unable to tutor a help session, I will notify my supervisor at My Stem Help (“MSH”) by text message at least an hour in advance, as well as my students and their parents (email lists will be provided).

3. I will remain conscious of my student audience when answering questions at help sessions. I will use respectful and age-appropriate language during all sessions.


4. I will treat all students with respect and kindness regardless of student background.


5. I will copy parents in any email communications I may send to students, and I will not meet one-on-one with any student or directly message any student under 18 years old without explicit consent from the parent.


6. I understand my actions have an impact on MSH and the students at my help sessions. I will not teach, present, or distribute any material that is harmful, abusive, defamatory, discriminatory, or restricts or inhibits anyone’s use or enjoyment of help sessions hosted by MSH.


7. I will not record or take screen shot of any student attending help sessions.


8. I will not distribute student or parent emails or other personal information to third parties under any circumstance without explicit consent from the student and parent.


9. I will keep confidential all non-public information that I have received as a volunteer tutor at MSH.



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